Don't let your heart be troubled

My father-in-law uses this quote often. It is a good reminder that no matter how life is going, we have an eternal hope and perspective.

My Photo
Location: Southern, California, United States

I'm married to my wonderful husband, I have 3 kids, and a Rosy (Italian Greyhound). I homeschool and teach math at the local high school. I enjoy running with friends.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Continuation. . .
It is not good. Shane has cut more holes and found there is whole nests in our walls and that is probably how they are finding there way to our attic. Plus when he was looking in the attic, he found termite evidence. Not good!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Why is my husband drilling 4 holes if various parts of our front wall????!

It all started last Wednesday. My kids and I enter our front room and smell something strange--and not very good. Alisa keeps spraying air freshner in the room. It didn't help.
Hubby came home and determined it was coming from the front vent. He cleaned out the whole thing on this side and the garage side. He found droppings of some vermin, but no mouse or rat. So he thought that maybe they crawled into some other section because of certain cracks found. That is why he started drilling. He had a handy dandy mirror to look in each section between the studs. Still no luck. He used our air classic to take away any smell. We smelled the next day. Nothing. I guess we will continue to wait and see if the smell gets worse. A friend said it could be a dead lizard. We haven't found anything. I'll keep you updated. . .

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Some swimming days. . .

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


The pictures will be slower in coming. We were at a pool party and my hubby rescued one of our friend's child. Unfortunately, he had our digital camera in his pocket. The little boy is fine. It is so scary, but we are thankful that he is okay.

I had a great weekend.

I got to get out and go away for the weekend. Here's some of the reaction from my family:
Krista: But I like you. . .
Alisa: on the Wed. before: I wish it was Sunday. Me: Why? Alisa: Because then you would be back already.
Alisa on Friday: But you're more patient than daddy. . .
Hubby: I take it back, you can't go. . .

They all survived, and I became revived.