Don't let your heart be troubled

My father-in-law uses this quote often. It is a good reminder that no matter how life is going, we have an eternal hope and perspective.

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Location: Southern, California, United States

I'm married to my wonderful husband, I have 3 kids, and a Rosy (Italian Greyhound). I homeschool and teach math at the local high school. I enjoy running with friends.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I had a great weekend.

I got to get out and go away for the weekend. Here's some of the reaction from my family:
Krista: But I like you. . .
Alisa: on the Wed. before: I wish it was Sunday. Me: Why? Alisa: Because then you would be back already.
Alisa on Friday: But you're more patient than daddy. . .
Hubby: I take it back, you can't go. . .

They all survived, and I became revived.


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