Don't let your heart be troubled

My father-in-law uses this quote often. It is a good reminder that no matter how life is going, we have an eternal hope and perspective.

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Location: Southern, California, United States

I'm married to my wonderful husband, I have 3 kids, and a Rosy (Italian Greyhound). I homeschool and teach math at the local high school. I enjoy running with friends.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ten Years!! Ten Years!! Where does the time go??? It has been ten years since I graduated from Biola. We attended the reunion. It was a lot of fun seeing old friends. Everyone has kids. We had a lovely dinner on Friday night. Then we had a free brunch as a family in the Caf on Sat. morning, before heading out to the beach. I just have to say only in So. Cal. can you have beautiful 80 degree, no wind weather at the beach at the end of Oct. I enjoyed most seeing my fellow math majors.
Biola continues to expand and change. It really has changed so much in a relatively short period of time, with the newest addition being Horton. A 4 story looming brick building now replaces the former Horton Hall.


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