Don't let your heart be troubled

My father-in-law uses this quote often. It is a good reminder that no matter how life is going, we have an eternal hope and perspective.

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Location: Southern, California, United States

I'm married to my wonderful husband, I have 3 kids, and a Rosy (Italian Greyhound). I homeschool and teach math at the local high school. I enjoy running with friends.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Krista had a great idea of making sugar cookies, so with the help of Betty (Crocker) and Pillbury, we were able to roll out, frost and sprinkle some cookies. Josh did great on the sprinkling. I know (Mom) it's not quite the same as making them from scratch, but as a homeschool mom it works. It's amazing how the store products have improved so much over the years. They almost taste homemade. . . almost.


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